01 Aug 2024

Hamelin launches new employment programme to help autistic adults and people with learning disabilities get into work

Ability works news

Hamelin has launched a new free-of-charge employment programme for autistic adults and people with learning disabilities.

The Ability Works project offers workshops, one-to-one mentoring, CV writing, interview preparation, and work experience opportunities to help people secure paid employment of their choice. 

The project is based at the charity’s Sutton Farm site in Rochford which enables participants to also get hands on experience growing produce and spending time outdoors, making it stand out from traditional employment training programmes. Not only is this beneficial for both physical and mental health, but this practical element means people are able to learn teamwork and social skills whilst building confidence in a fun and meaningful way in a real-life setting. 

The skills participants learn on the programme are valuable in any employment setting, so the project is not just suitable for those wanting to work in horticulture. 

The programme is open to autistic adults and people with learning disabilities who live in the Rochford, Southend and Castle Point areas.

Employment Manager Markie Musilova said the programme was hugely important to help people break down the barriers they face.

She said: “The autistic talent pool is hugely underutilised - government figures show that 75% of autistic people have the ability and desire to work, but just 30% are in employment. That compares to around half of all 16-64-year-olds registered as disabled and around eight in 10 of the non-disabled population.

“This new programme will not only help people gain the skills and confidence they need to secure employment, but also raise awareness, reduce stigma and capitalise on the productivity of employees who are autistic or have a learning disability.”

As part of the programme, the charity will also work with employers to raise awareness of the barriers some people face and what can be done to support them. Barriers include poor preparation by employers, unfair hiring practices, unclear processes and outdated attitudes.

Referrals can be made by contacting Employment Manager Markie Musilova at markie.musilova@hamelin.org.uk or 07912 225806. 

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