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We know autistic people and people with learning disabilities want to have the same opportunities as everyone else. Our community support services will help you realise your life goals whether that’s to be more independent, find paid work, learn life skills or try different things and make new friends.

Day Opportunities

Hamelin’s day opportunities service aims to equip people with the skills needed to live a full life. We focus on training to become independent at home and in the community through sessions that are offered on a 1:1 basis or in groups. Alongside this training we offer a range of social opportunities and new experiences. 

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Independent living skills

We can help you progress in your aims to live a more independent life. This could include learning how to travel independently, learn the skills to live in your own home, managing finances and staying safe online or working towards having a holiday with friends.

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Social activities

By far the most regularly requested outcome from the Hamelin community is support to reduce isolation and loneliness, by getting out into the local community and making friends. We run regular and varied leisure activities, trips out and peer support groups to help you find new things you like doing and people to do them with.

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Training and employment

Neurodiverse people and adults with learning disabilities often want to find paid or volunteering roles and many employers struggle to find enough appropriate people to fill vacancies. Fear is often the barrier to solving both these issues. Hamelin work with people, their families and potential employers to provide a supportive routeway into work and remove the fear for all parties.

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Contact Us

If you want to understand more about the services we offer or how we can support you, we’d love to hear from you.

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Health And Wellbeing

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We’re proud to work with a broad cross-section of our community; together improving the world for disabled and neurodiverse people. Our work is only possible thanks to individuals and businesses generously giving us their time, fundraising efforts and donations.

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Hamelin Trust Bungalow 07247 Day Opportunies Container 3 Community Support 640 x 680