30 Aug 2024

Alfie gears up for cycle challenge in aid of Hamelin

Alfie cycle web

Enjoying an ice cream at the seaside is always a nice treat, but for Alfie Giles, it will be a victory celebration.  

Alfie is taking part in this year’s London to Brighton Cycle Ride to raise funds for Hamelin. He and thousands of other cyclists will be pedalling 54 miles from city to coast on Sunday 15th September in the popular annual event.

His colleague, Ryan, had already signed up for the event and persuaded Alfie to join him. He decided to turn the challenge into a fundraiser for Hamelin, a charity close to his heart.

Alfie’s sister-in-law, Faye, is a resident at Hamelin’s bungalow in Wickford, a life-time home for five people with significant disabilities, requiring at least one-to-one support, 24 hours a day.

He said: “I've seen the difference Hamelin makes to Faye’s life so I wanted to give something back. I’m so grateful for everyone who has contributed so far, their support will really spur me on to the finish line.

“Long distance cycling is relatively new to me, but I’m always up for a challenge, and thought this was the perfect opportunity to push myself for a fantastic cause.”

Alfie has been cycling through the countryside around Braintree near his home to prepare for the challenging route. He will be setting off on the day at 8.30am from Clapham Common in the capital and expects to reach the finish line around four hours later.

Fortunately for Alfie he won’t have to cycle back home after the event! He has already booked an overnight stay in Brighton with his partner Natalie to relax and recover before heading back home by car.

You can make a donation towards Alfie’s incredible challenge via his JustGiving page here: www.justgiving.com/page/alfie-giles-1722624891686